Connect with real estate professionals across California with our updated and verified database. Designed to empower your marketing campaigns, our list ensures accuracy and relevance, helping you reach your goals effectively.
Last Database Updated -Feb 14, 2025
Yes. You can download the free sample, which contains over 50 contacts. The complete database maintains the same quality and accuracy as the free sample. You can test the sample for accuracy before purchasing, ensuring transparency and confidence in the data you receive.
RealtyOutReach has tons of reviews on USACompanyReviews, a third-party website that provides insights into the accuracy and quality of our mailing lists.
More than 95% of the emails provided by RealtyOutReach are valid and accurate. RealtyOutReach ensures real-time email verification by updating its data monthly.
The main difference is that the Complete Database includes additional details such as office phone, fax, cell phone, license type and number, and association.
Yes. We offer a 95% accuracy guarantee or refund credits for invalid records if invalid over 5%. Pay only for deliverables to ensure you use your budget effectively on accurate data.
We update our Realtor Outreach List every month. We use automated and manual systems to keep track of the latest information, and our team checks each contact to make sure the data is correct and relevant.
The Realtor outreach database for California is sourced from a variety of trusted and verified channels, including:
Yes, here’s what we offer:
No, email verification is not required after purchase. Our database is pre-validated with an accuracy rate of over 95%, so you can skip the extra steps of validation.
The following industries can benefit:
If you're a supplier, service provider, or industry partner, our Realtor email list helps you connect with key decision-makers and influencers in the real estate industry.
Yes, we provide comprehensive contact information for Realtors, including:
Yes, our Realtor list follows the rules of the CAN-SPAM law. We follow strict standards to make sure our mailing databases are ethically collected, legally compliant, and respectful of recipients' preferences. We also prioritize privacy and security while following laws like CAN-SPAM and GDPR.
Our email addresses are "soft" opt-ins, gathered from sources where people have made their email addresses publicly available. While we cannot guarantee explicit opt-in consent for every contact, we ensure that our real estate agent lists come from trusted sources and follow industry rules and best practices.
Our lists are provided in both CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and Excel formats, ensuring compatibility with a variety of software and systems.
Yes, the data is compatible with most CRM software, allowing for seamless integration into your system.
Yes, our dedicated support team is available 24/7/365 to assist with any list-related issues.