Find the right Realtors in Texas with our updated contact list. Whether you're looking to connect with professionals in cities or rural areas, this list has everything you need. It's great for networking, marketing, or finding leads. With accurate and reliable information, you can reach the right people quickly and easily.
Last Database Updated -Feb 14, 2025
Yes, RealtyOutreach provides a free sample you can try before making a purchase. Follow these steps:
Yes, we maintain a 5-star rating on USACompanyReviews, showcasing customer feedback. You can read reviews from satisfied clients on their platform.
Reaching 100% email accuracy is tough because professions and email addresses change often. However, we work hard to maintain an accuracy rate of over 96%.
Yes, we offer refunds or data replacement. If more than 5% of emails are invalid, we will replace the credit for those invalid emails. Alternatively, if replacement is not acceptable, we will issue a refund for the invalid emails. This means you only pay for valid emails.
We update our data monthly. The last update was on January 1, 2025.
No, you don’t need to verify the emails after purchasing. Our database already ensures an accuracy rate exceeding 95%, saving you time and money.
The Texas Realtor email database is created using trusted and verified sources, including:
The pricing for the email list is as follows:
The main difference is the amount of information included. The Complete Database Package has not just email addresses, but also extra details like office phone numbers, cell numbers, fax numbers, license information, and professional groups. This complete package gives a fuller profile of each realtor, helping you create more personalized marketing and build stronger connections with your audience.
Yes, all our emails comply with the CAN-SPAM Act. Here’s how we ensure compliance:
Our lists use a mix of opt-ins and verified sources, ensuring compliance with privacy laws. Recipients can manage preferences or unsubscribe.
We accept credit/debit cards via PayPal for U.S. customers and cryptocurrency payments via CoinPayment for international buyers.
Your list is available within 10 minutes to 3 hours after payment confirmation, downloadable from your dashboard.
Our lists are provided in CSV format. You can open them with programs like MS Excel and Mac Numbers, making them easy to use with most software.
Yes, the data is compatible with most CRM software, allowing for seamless integration into your preferred system.
Yes, we have a dedicated support team available 24/7/365 to assist with any list-related issues.
Industries that can benefit from the Realty list include: